EPA Contigency Plans for Government Shutdown

Environmental Protection Agency – reportedly has enough continued funds from previous appropriations to continue operating for now.

1. PURPOSE. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has 134 facilities that occupy approximately 8.2 million square feet of space. EPA facilities consist of office, laboratory, and warehouse space. The largest facilities are the headquarters facilities located in the Washington, DC metropolitan area, the ten regional offices that support and manage EPA ‘s environmental policies and programs in the states, and the two major research centers situated in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, and Cincinnati, Ohio.

This contingency plan provides general guidelines for the orderly hand ling of EPA operations in the event of a funding hiatus caused by the lack of appropriations. In the event of an actual shutdown where EPA is required to implement this general guidance, supplemental government-wide guidance issued by the Office of Management and Budget, the Office of Personnel Management, and the General Services Administration also apply.


Read the full contingency plan here