Invasive Species
An invasive species can be any kind of living organism—animals, plants, insects, even fungus or bacteria, seeds or eggs—that is not native to a particular ecosystem or environment, causing disruption or harm to that ecosystem. This can be seen as interference or damage to the physical surroundings, food chain, the economy, or even human health. In many cases, this disturbance can lead to irreparable harm, with devastation to other species of plants or animals, including extinction.
Invasive Species of Guam
A brief overview of the challenges being faced by the island of Guam with regard to the invasive species threats of Little Fire Ant, Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle and the Brown Tree Snake. Produced by NPSEC.
Invasive Species E-Learning Module
Welcome to our spotlight on Invasive Species on the island of Guam. Join us for the next few minutes as we take a contemporary look at the problems being caused by Invasive Species, the people who are impacted, and the ways in which they are battling back. This e-learning module includes images, video, audio, and interactive activities throughout to further engage the learner.
Produced by NPSEC.
Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle 360-Degree Activity
View a virtual reality 360-degree activity demonstrating specific evidence of a Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle breeding ground. You can also view this course with virtual reality goggles via the Cenario VR app. Produced by NPSEC.