Register for Upcoming Webinar on EPA’s Research and Regulation of Pesticidal Air Treatment Devices

This original announcement was published by the EPA on August 25, 2023. Click here for more information.


Sept. 6, 1-2:30 p.m. ET

Register today for a free webinar about pesticidal air treatment devices featuring EPA’s Dr. Katherine Ratliff and Aline Heffernan.

Hosted by EPA’s Office of Air and Radiation, this webinar will provide an overview of EPA’s:

  • Role in regulating pesticidal air cleaning and treatment devices;
  • Research on the effectiveness of these technologies against infectious aerosols;
  • Work on developing standardized test methods.

Register Here for Webinar

Audio for this webinar is available through GoTo Webinar only. Upon joining the webinar, connect to audio using your computer’s microphone and speakers (VoIP) or via telephone (not toll-free) and PIN.

Featured Speakers

Katherine Ratliff, Ph.D., Office of Research and Development

Dr. Ratliff is a physical scientist and principal investigator in EPA’s Homeland Security Research Program. She uses models, lab, and field-scale studies to develop strategies for remediating environmental contaminants and leads EPA’s research to evaluate the efficacy of air treatment technologies against airborne pathogens. Dr. Ratliff received her B.A. in Earth and Environmental Sciences from Vanderbilt University and a Ph.D. in Earth and Ocean Sciences from Duke University.

Aline Heffernan, MPH, Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention

Aline Heffernan is the regulatory advisor in EPA’s Antimicrobials Division, where she is the chair of the Device and Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act Jurisdiction workgroup. She previously was the division’s SARS-CoV-2 review coordinator to help determine which antimicrobials were effective in killing the virus that causes COVID-19. Heffernan received her undergraduate degree from the State University of New York at Geneseo and her master’s in public health from the State University of New York at Albany.