Dicamba-tolerant seeds were registered for use during the 2016 growing season and EPA registered the new dicamba formulation in the fall of 2016. During the 2017 growing reports regarding widespread crop damage and enforcement issues related to Dicamba use. Required product specific Training, and a signifficant effort to educatate applicators has been ongoing. On October 31, 2019 the EPA announced a conditional 2-year registration with revised labels and requirements for the 2019 and 2020 seasons.
Helpful Links
Below is a list of helpful links that can provide additional Dicamba information. Please contact us if you have a scientifically backed link you would like to share. We will review the material and consider adding it to our list. Thank you.
- EPA and States Collective Efforts Lead Regulatory Action
- New Dicamba Rules
- EPA Announces Changes to Dicamba Registration
- Dicamba Education SlideDeck
- RoundupReadyXtend.com/Training
This presentation is for educational purposes only. Attendance or participation does NOT satisfy the need for mandatory dicamba or auxin-specific training as required by the U.S. EPA labels for dicamba products labeled for use in the Roundup Ready® Xtend Crop System, You will NOT receive a completion certificate following this training To find and register for a mandatory dicamba training event that will meet the label requirement for training.
Contact NPSEC
National Pesticide Safety Education Center
PO Box 37220
Raleigh, NC 27627