On November 2, 2015, EPA revised the Worker Protection Standards rule to expand requirements with the purpose to reduce the risk of pesticide exposure to agricultural workers, handlers, and their families. implement more protections for agricultural workers, handlers and their families.
EPA’s Agricultural Worker Protection Standard (WPS) is aimed at reducing the risk of pesticide poisoning and injury among agricultural workers and pesticide handlers. EPA estimates that the rule will continue to protect 2 million agricultural workers
(those who perform tasks in the production of agricultural plants) and pesticide handlers (those who perform tasks related to mixing, loading, or applying pesticides) in agricultural establishments, including, farms, forests, nurseries and greenhouses.
Below is a list of helpful links that can provide additional WPS information. Please contact us if you have a scientifically backed helpful link you would care to share. We will review the material and consider adding it to our list. Thank you.
NPSEC Produced WPS Videos
NPSEC created two EPA approved WPS training videos for agriculture workers in Hawaii. The videos were translated into six different languages: English, Chinese, Thai, Laotian, Vietnamese, Tagolog, & Ilocano.
Helpful Links
Below is a list of helpful links that can provide additional WPS information. Please contact us if you have a scientifically backed link you would like to share. We will review the material and consider adding it to our list. Thank you.