Pollinator Health
According to the USDA, pollinators are the foundation to the Nation’s economy, food security, environment and health. The honey bee pollination alone adds more than $15 billion in value to agricultural crops each year, and helps ensure that our diets include the fruits, vegetables and nuts needed to stay healthy. Protecting honey bees, native bees and other insect pollinators, birds, and bats today ensures we eat tomorrow. Remember, when we protect pollinators, we all win.
Pesticides are just one of many variables that affect pollinators, however, it is essential that pesticide applicators are aware of what they can do to minimize the risk to pollinators from the chemicals they apply. From understanding the potential toxicity of a pesticide relative to bees, timing of applications, and communication with bee keepers, there are many variables that applicators can control.
Helpful Links
Below is a list of helpful links that can provide additional Pollinator Health information. Please contact us if you have a scientifically backed link you would like to share. We will review the material and consider adding it to our list. Thank you.