Corporate Social Responsibility
A Corporate Social Responsibility Opportunity for Your Business
The National Pesticide Safety Education Center (NPSEC) is a non-profit with a mission to serve and support land-grant college and university extension pesticide safety education programs (PSEPs) in every state and US territory. NPSEC works with university extension educators to create positive and impactful messages that will resonate with your customers.
Your organization can support critical issues like protecting pollinators, telling the remarkable story about our food system and reinforcing the importance of safely and effectively using household cleaners, disinfectants and lawn and garden products around your home to protect families. These messages provide a unique opportunity for your organization to demonstrate your commitment to corporate social responsibility and environmental sustainability.
NPSEC is offering your company an opportunity to Preserve our precious natural resources and Protect your customers and their families by helping to Educate the general public. These common-sense messages are clear, concise and easy to follow. They are derived from extension resources that are based on peer-reviewed research.
Your PPE sponsorship will get these engaging messages out to your customers through an integrated set of mass media channels that include print, radio, digital, social media, podcasts and national websites. Your customers will have the opportunity to access more detailed tips, information and coupons for products or services that can be downloaded from a link branded by your company. To add further value to your business, a campaign can be structured so customers will be able to redeem coupons through your business locations to further reinforce the PPEmessage and provide face-to-face customer engagement. And finally, 10% of your sponsorship will go to support the national network of Pesticide Safety Education programs at land grant colleges and universities as a charitable donation.
I hope you will help NPSEC meet our mission while getting important information out to the general public that will help them protect their families, homes and communities where they live and work!
Tom Smith
Executive Director