
USDA Announces Pesticide Regulatory Training Funding Opportunity

This original announcement was published by the EPA on July 25, 2019.

On July 9, 2019, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agriculture Service (FAS) opened a Notice of Funding Opportunity to develop a series of web-based training modules. This training will help foreign pesticide regulators better understand EPA’s pesticide regulatory approach.

Both USDA FAS and EPA’s Office of Pesticide Programs respond to many requests from foreign governments on pesticide regulatory issues. As such, USDA and EPA seek a partner to plan and develop web-based learning tools on topics to be identified in consultation with USDA and EPA. These topics are expected to include pesticide risk assessments, the U.S. pesticide registration process, data requirements, and the establishment of maximum residue levels (tolerances).

USDA’s announcement is posted on its grants web portal, which requires registration and logging in to see this and other funding opportunities. Applications for this funding opportunity must be submitted as described in the Notice of Funding Opportunity by Aug. 6, 2019. The award, which USDA anticipates will be announced in late August, will be up to $1 million over 24 months.


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