EPA Proposes Registration of Trifludimoxazin, a New Herbicide Active Ingredient
This original announcement was published by the EPA on December 12, 2020. Click here for more information.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing to register pesticide products containing the new active ingredient trifludimoxazin, a vital additional tool in managing resistant weeds.
Trifludimoxazin is an herbicide intended for pre- and/or post-emergent control of broadleaf and grass weeds. It can be applied by aircraft on citrus fruits, pome fruits, cereal grain (except rice), tree nuts, peanuts, and foliage of legume vegetables. Non-agricultural use sites include tree plantations, industrial landscaping, native grass openings, and conifer and hardwood plantations.
EPA reviewed trifludimoxazin and determined there are no human health risk concerns.
EPA is proposing specific mitigations to address potential ecological risks, including label instructions to reduce spray drift by using a medium to ultra-coarse spray nozzle, and resistance management strategies to reduce the potential for herbicide resistance. The label also includes advisory language to prevent off-site movement to non-target areas due to runoff, along with application restrictions and recommendations on what types of soils and substrates to avoid.
EPA is accepting public comments on this proposal via docket EPA-HQ-OPP-2018-0762 at www.regulations.gov for 30 days.