NPSEC News – March 12th, 2019


NPSEC News – March 12th, 2019

NPSEC Speaks at 2019 Commodity Classic Tom Smith, NPSEC Executive Director, discusses Pollinator Stewardship and NPSEC’s mission to support extension Pesticide Safety Education Programs (PSEPs) at the Navigating a New Era in Pesticide Product Stewardship panel discussion. Tom Smith (middle) stands with Courtney Weatherbee (left), NPSEC’s Administrative Assistant and Kerry Richards (right), NPSEC’s Education Program Developer at Commodity Classic 2019. For more on the 2019 Commodity Classic click here. 

2019 NCF-Envirothon will take place at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, North Carolina July 28 – August 2

You can read about the 2019 Current Issue: Agriculture and the Environment: Knowledge & Technology to Feed the World here. NPSEC is exploring opportunities to collaborate with the National Association of Conservation Districts and their Foundation who sponsors Envirothon Click here to view the 2019 Key Topic Resources
NPSEC has Dicamba Education available on that can be used in training programs by PSEPs, subject to state approval. Click here to access the Dicamba education slide deck. 
EPA Launches Paraquat Training Announcement by Marianne A. Mannix, Office of Pesticide Programs for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The original announcement can be found here

Basic Information

Paraquat dichloride, commonly referred to as “paraquat,” is one of the most widely used herbicides registered in the United States. Paraquat is also often referred to as Gramoxone (a popular end-use product).

Paraquat is used to control weeds in many agricultural and non-agricultural use sites. It is also used as a defoliant on crops, like cotton, prior to harvest. Read more about paraquat training here.

TPSA Needs Members! Check out their NEW video – recruit a member today!

Announcement by Bonnie McCarvel, Operations Manager for The Pesticide Stewardship Alliance (TPSA). The original announcement can be found here.

The Pesticide Stewardship Alliance (TPSA) is a collaborative partnership of government agencies – federal, state and local, educational and research institutions, public organizations, private corporations and individuals actively involved in stewarding the pesticide life cycle. Founded in 2000, TPSA utilizes education, training, outreach and other activities to accomplish stewardship objectives in local, national and international arenas. Click here to view the full video!

Your help is needed to recruit members!  It’s simple to do:

  • Identify people you think should be a member.
  • Refer them to the TPSA home page  – and have them check out the new video (click above) to hear what members say about TPSA benefits!
  • Encourage them to fill out the application form that is just below the video and send it in.
  • Have them add your name to the comments box so we can give you credit for your efforts!!
  • With your help, TPSA’s membership should be able to grow to 200!
  • Top membership recruiter will be recognized at the 2020 TPSA Annual Conference.

Visit The Pesticide Stewardship Alliance Today!


The NPSEC Store is a good place to find EPA-approved materials with expanded 2015 WPS content. This is where you can order NPSEC, PERC, WPS, and state-specific products. For PERC products, PSEPs get a 10% discount if they purchase the products using the code we mailed you at checkout. We track all PERC sales by state and send 10% of all net sales in a particular state or territory back to the PSEP as a gift. 

Shop the NPSEC Store
National Worker Protection Standard: A Manual for Trainers

Available in English and Spanish!

These EPA-approved manuals (English: EPA 730-B-16-001; Spanish: EPA 730-K-17-001)) begin with an introduction to pesticides and pesticide safety, including the federal pesticide regulations. They discusses each of the specific points that must be included in WPS training sessions and contains valuable information to help trainers prepare for and conduct pesticide safety training. Purchase Here

How to Comply With the 2015 Revised Worker Protection Standard for Agricultural Pesticides This EPA-approved manual will help users of agricultural pesticides comply with the requirements of the 2015 revised federal Worker Protection Standard. You should read this manual if you employ agricultural  workers or handlers, are involved in the production of agricultural plants as an owner/manager of an agricultural establishment or a commercial (for-hire) pesticide handling establishment, or work as a crop advisor. Purchase Here
WPS Respiratory Protection Guide: Requirements for Employers of Pesticide Handlers Under the Worker Protection Standard (WPS) as revised in 2015, there are new requirements for pesticide handlers when pesticide labels require the use of a respirator. This 45-page guide includes step-by-step fit-testing procedures, respirator selection guidance, medical evaluation options, and some frequently asked questions.  Purchase Here
WPS Posters

Updated WPS Poster(s) for “Central Posting” areas and certain decontamination sites This poster(s) complies with the requirements in the Worker Protection Standard (WPS) for agricultural pesticides.

Posters come in Large (22×34.5in) and Small (11×17) with a English/Spanish front, and the option of English or Spanish back. All Posters have a gloss laminate finish for durability. Purchase Here

WPS Training Videos

These WPS training videos for agricultural workers and pesticide handlers apply to many sectors because they include footage and examples from orchards, forestry, nurseries, greenhouses, vineyards, and row crops.

Available in English and Spanish! Purchase Here

WPS Standard Handbook for Agricultural Employers

Can be purchased individually or in bundles of 2 and 10!

This handbook is formatted as a small booklet, half the size of a sheet of paper. We hope you’ll find it as useful as a handout when training and/or inspecting agricultural work under the WPS. Purchase Here 

Web-Based Training for Trainers of Agricultural Workers and Pesticide Handlers

Online training course!

This web-based course is EPA-approved, including 12 self-paced learning modules. The course provides the required information for trainers who will perform annual training for agricultural workers and pesticide handlers under the U.S. EPA Worker Protection Standard (WPS). It will guide you through the necessary procedures to provide effective training about pesticide safety topics. Purchase Here