Monday 4:00 – 4:50
Training Potluck Selected Dishes to Share
(something new that could be shared, strategy or resources)
Modeled after the tradition of the popular AAPSE Lightning Round presentations at former national meetings, we have 10 spots for presentations of new educational materials, resources, or delivery methods.
Click here for the word document for more details. There may be more than 10 spots depending on length of participants presentations.
Contact Kerry Richards or Courtney Weatherbee
Wednesday 8:00 am – 8:30 am
Collaboration Team – Session Leaders
During Wednesday morning’s session we will have allocated time to establish five Collaboration Teams:
- Respirators
- Pollinator Protection
- IPM/Pesticide Safety Communication
- Dicamba
- Certification and Training Rule Implementation
The purpose of Collaboration Teams is outlined below. Talking points and guidance will be provided for the Collaboration Team Session Leader to:
- Provide the team with an overview of the role of Collaboration Teams and their members
- Keep the conversation on track and moving forward
- Identify appropriate information to meet the team’s goals
- Make sure session information is captured, and summarized to provide guidance for future activities.
- There will be a Basecamp folder link to upload session information
- Establish next steps and potential future virtual meeting opportunities
Goals of Collaboration Teams:
Collaboration Teams are groups of individuals (PSEP/SLA/Industry) that have a shared interest and will focus their efforts on a specific pesticide related issue. The primary goals of a Collaboration Team are to:
• Identify existing resources
• Identify resources in development
• Identify gaps in available resources
• List potential resources for development
• Prioritize resource development
• Develop an Action Plan for creation of needed resources
• Peer Review materials
Collaboration Team – Upload Resources to Share
As indicated above, one of the primary purposes of Collaboration Teams is to identify existing resources and resources that are in development. If you have any resources you would like to share relevant to any of the subject areas for the Collaboration Teams in San Antonio, feel free to upload them to the corresponding Basecamp folders as per the directions below, or bring your electronic files to San Antonio for us to upload.
These materials will initially only be shared with those people participating as members of the Collaboration Team.
To upload information to a Basecamp Collaboration Team Folder:
1. Click here.
2. Sign in or create and account
3. In the Docs and Files section, click on the corresponding Collaboration Folder
4. Once you are in that folder select the appropriate sub folder:
- Existing Resources
- Potential Projects
5. Click on the New Button in the top left corner
6. Click on upload Upload file, locate the file and follow the prompts |