NPSEC News – September 14th, 2018


NPSEC News – September 14th, 2018

2018 National Pesticide Applicator Certification & Safety Education Workshop Evaluation

If you attended the workshop, we invite you to complete our workshop survey. You can find the survey by clicking here. Please complete the survey by September 20th, 2018.

PERC offers Web-Based WPS Train the Trainer Course

  • It’s posted here on the PERC website.
  • The cost is $35, which covers the cost of the hosting, course maintenance, and certification management.
  • It will be offered via the NPSEC Store, hosted by eXtension.

This web-based course provides the information required to train those who will train agricultural workers and pesticide handlers under the WPS (CFR 170). It will guide you through the necessary procedures to provide effective training about pesticide safety topics. This course is one way to become qualified to train agricultural workers and pesticide handlers under the WPS.

This is a self-paced eLearning course; you will view eLearning modules, take quizzes, and complete a final exam at your own pace. Once you have successfully completed all the course requirements, passed the final exam with the minimum passing score of 70% and then completed the course evaluation, you will be issued a WPS pesticide safety trainer certification. This course will take you approximately two to three hours to complete.

Completion of this course certifies you as a qualified WPS trainer of agricultural workers and pesticide handlers in the continental U.S, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. You must check with your state or tribal pesticide regulatory agency for possible additional requirements.

If you have any questions about this message, please direct them to PERC using the contact information below.

Suzanne Forsyth, PERC Director
UC Davis Extension

Kaci Buhl, PERC Deputy Director
Oregon State University

NPSEC Video Feature


Natalie Hoidal, PSEP Coordinator at the University of Minnesota, shares her experience at the 2018 National Pesticide Applicator Certification and Safety Education Workshop in San Antonio, TX.

Shop the NPSEC Store

New WPS products on the NPSEC Store: WPS videos, Spanish train the Trainer manual, WPS Ag Employers Handbook!!! The NPSEC Store is a good place to find EPA-approved materials with expanded 2015 WPS content. This is where you can order NPSEC, PERC, WPS, and state-specific products. For PERC products, PSEPs get a 5% discount if they purchase the products using the code we mailed you at checkout. We track all PERC sales by state and send 5% of all net sales in a particular state or territory back to the PSEP as a gift.