EPA Releases Updated Occupational Pesticide Handler and Post-application Exposure Calculators
This original announcement was published by the EPA on May 26, 2021. Click here for more information.
EPA has updated the Occupational Pesticide Handler Exposure Calculator and Occupational Pesticide Post-application Exposure Calculator with the latest available data and sources to provide the agency with more efficiency in completing risk assessments and ensuring transparency to the public and affected stakeholders.
EPA uses these tools to carry out risk assessments to make informed decisions when approving new pesticides, new uses of registered pesticides, and during regular reviews of existing pesticides. The updated exposure values are more reflective of actual exposures to occupational pesticide handlers and post-application scenarios, which reduces uncertainty in decisions and serves as the basis for labeling decisions.
The calculators also help state and local governments, pesticide manufacturers, academics, and others evaluate the potential for health effects to a person who might be exposed to pesticides as part of their work. They provide exposure information for risk assessments based on exposure scenarios, exposure routes, and applicable personal protective equipment.
Updates to the occupational handler calculator include adding new handler exposure estimates from the Agricultural Handler Exposure Task Force (AHETF) that monitored dermal and inhalation exposure for workers using closed systems to load liquid and solid pesticides. The updated exposure values are based on a well-designed recruitment, monitoring, and data analysis efforts and will more accurately represent exposures to occupational pesticide handlers.
The occupational post-application calculator is updated to reflect contemporary agricultural practices and clarify crop-specific activities.
Learn more about the calculators and how EPA assesses pesticide risks on our website.