EPA Proposes Registration of New Nematicide Active Ingredient
This original announcement was published on July 23, 2021. Click here for more information.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is taking comments on its proposal to register the new pesticide active ingredient fluazaindolizine for agricultural use.
Fluazaindolizine is a sulfonamide nematicide that EPA expects will play a role in resistance management and integrated pest management programs to help delay the further development of nematicide resistance.
Proposed uses of fluazaindolizine include carrots and cucurbit vegetables and certain fruiting, tuberous, and corm vegetables. Other use sites include certain other crops that will not bear fruit within a year of nematicide application: citrus fruit, stone fruit, tree nuts, and small vine-climbing fruit (except fuzzy kiwi).
The human health and ecological hazard profiles for fluazaindolizine indicate that it is a reduced-risk alternative for all its proposed uses when compared to registered alternatives.
After conducting robust scientific assessments, EPA concluded that there are no risk concerns for humans. The ecological risk assessment showed no risk concerns for non-listed (i.e., not endangered or threatened) fish, aquatic invertebrates, plants, and birds. Risks have been identified for mammals and honey bees near use sites. These risks are mitigated with label instructions requiring soil incorporation and mandatory spray drift restrictions for broadcast applications.
EPA is committed to making progress on protecting endangered species, including conducting analyses and putting mitigations in place earlier in the registration process. For listed (i.e., endangered or threatened) species, EPA has made no-effect determinations for fish, aquatic invertebrates, and aquatic plants that do not rely on terrestrial organisms for habitat, prey, or pollination services.
Although EPA has not made effects determinations for listed birds (including reptiles and amphibians), mammals, terrestrial invertebrates, and terrestrial plants, or aquatic listed species that rely on terrestrial organisms, the agency has added mitigation to reduce potential exposure to terrestrial species. EPA expects that this mitigation may also reduce potential risks to groups that rely on terrestrial organisms for habitat, prey, or pollination services. Proposed mitigation includes mandatory spray drift language, prohibition of overhead chemigation, application of fluazaindolizine to the ground under the plant canopy, and mandatory incorporation into the soil by mechanical means or water.
EPA is accepting public comments on this proposal through docket EPA-HQ-OPP-2020-0065 at www.regulations.gov for 15 days.