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EPA Proposes Registration of New Biopesticide and Product

This original announcement was published by the EPA on May 23, 2020. Click here for more.

EPA is opening the 15-day comment period on a proposal to register the new active ingredient Ea peptide 91398 and the biopesticide product PHC-91398, which would contain this new active ingredient.

Ea peptide 91398 was derived from a naturally occurring bacterium and induces natural plant defenses. This response activates a hypersensitive response in treated plants, which enables resistance to bacterial and fungal infection, as well as suppression of nematode egg production. Nematodes are pests that can attack root systems, causing crop losses.

The product PHC-91398 is intended for use on a wide range of agricultural crops and residential “home and garden” uses. Product applications include: 1) pre-plant foliar or root dip; 2) foliar application for both greenhouse and field applications using conventional spray, drip or aerial equipment; and 3) seed treatment.

Based on data submitted in support of Ea peptide 91398, EPA does not expect toxicity or allergenicity to humans, nor does the Agency expect adverse effects to non-target organisms.

EPA encourages input on the proposed decision from all parties, including pesticide users; registrants; public interest organizations; and state, tribal and local governments. EPA routinely receives registration applications, such as this, and evaluates them to determine any risks to human health and the environment.

The proposed decision is included in docket EPA-HQ-OPP-2018-0687 at Comments are due on June 5, 2020.