EPA Holds Online Pesticide Program Dialogue Committee Meeting in October
This original announcement was published by the EPA on October 8, 2021. Click here to learn more and register!
EPA Holds Online Pesticide Program Dialogue Committee Meeting in October
EPA’s Office of Pesticide Programs (OPP) will hold an online public meeting of the Pesticide Program Dialogue Committee (PPDC) on October 27-28, 2021.
At this meeting:
- The PPDC workgroups on Pesticide Resistance Management, Farmworker and Clinician Training, Emerging Pathogens, and Emerging Technologies will report on their work and discuss their recommendations with the PPDC. Members of the PPDC will provide their perspectives on the workgroup reports.
- OPP will provide updates on recent activities, accomplishments, and program changes.
- Representatives from the National Pesticide Information Center, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and EPA’s Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance (OECA) will present on science-based risk communication, the CDC’s Sentinel Event Notification System for Occupational Risk (SENSOR) Pesticide Program, and OECA’s Good Laboratory Practices Inspection Section.
Please visit the PPDC webpage for a link to register to attend the meeting. See the Federal Register Notice.
To provide comments during the meeting, request special accommodations or get more information, please contact Shannon Jewell at jewell.shannon@epa.gov or at (571) 289-9911 by October 19, 2021.