EPA Grant Press Release
For Immediate Release: The National Pesticide Safety Education Center (NPSEC) is partnering with eXtension and the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), and will provide advice and in-kind support for the implementation of the EPA Pesticide Safety Education Funds Management Program (PSEFMP). This partnership was made possible with funding provided through a cooperative agreement with the EPA, Office of Pesticide Programs, Certification and Worker Protection Branch. The cooperative agreement is funded at $1,500,000 for the first year, with up to $1,000,000 for each of the four remaining years, and is expect to award up to $5,500,000 over the five-year funding period.
The primary role of NPSEC is to lead Objective 2 of the grant, which will focus on professional development for the national system of extension Pesticide Safety Education Programs (PSEPs). This effort will include:
- the creation and leading of an advisory group, co-chaired with eXtension,that sets quality standards and a review process for educational materials;
- training for PSEP Coordinators in topics related to improving educational material and delivery ;and
- support for the pesticide safety education resources development at the state and territory level, and the expansion and dissemination of these materials for use by PSEPs on a regional and national basis.
NPSEC will also assist eXtension to develop a streamlined set of processes and procedures to award funds to PSEP’s and to allow efficient reporting of outcomes and deliverables. This will be accomplished while gathering valuable feedback and evaluations used to gauge the ongoing resource and educational needs of PSEPs and their stakeholders.
This partnership and these grant funds are part of an overall effort by NPSEC, eXtension and EPA to help enhance the sustainability and educational capacity of extension PSEPs.
For more information, contact Tom Smith, Executive Director, by e-mail at smitht48@msu.edu or by phone at 517-202-3019.