PACT 2020
Planning Committee Bios
Amanda Bachmann, South Dakota State University
I’m the PSEP Coordinator in South Dakota (6 years in SD, 5 in pest ed). Half of me is pesticide education, and the other half is urban entomology. I’m looking forward to helping out!
Betsy Danielson, Iowa State University
I conduct pesticide safety education and WPS training in Iowa. I’m currently serving as AAPSE secretary. I’ve been on several PACT planning committees in the past. Looking forward to a great meeting!
Jeannie Economos, Farmworker Association of Florida
I am the Pesticide Safety and Environmental Health Project Coordinator for the Farmworker Association of Florida. We are a grassroots, statewide, farmworker membership organization with 5 offices in Florida and over 10,000 Haitian, Hispanic and African American farmworkers in the state. I look forward to working with this group.
Jeff Edwards, University of Wyoming
I grow my own food and educate others to do the same. Pesticide Applicator Training Coordinator/Small Acre Horticulture Specialist for the University of Wyoming. Entomologist, Cyclist, and local Ag radio personality. Prior to working for UW Extension I spent 15 years in industry evaluating insecticides, herbicides, and transgenic traits.
Iris Figueroa, Farmworker Justice
I have been a Staff Attorney at Farmworker Justice since 2016. I engage in advocacy and community education for farmworkers on issues related to immigration, labor rights and occupational health and safety. Previously, I worked at various civil society organizations throughout the U.S. and Latin America for the protection and advancement of economic and social rights. I have lived and worked in various countries in Central America, including Guatemala, Honduras and Costa Rica. Originally from Puerto Rico, I am a native Spanish speaker. I graduated from Georgetown University in 2007 and earned my JD from Columbia Law School in 2010.
Jessica Freeman, Colorado Agricultural Aviation Association
I am the Executive Director for the Colorado Agricultural Aviation Association (CoAAA). I have been in the position since February of 2013. The purpose of the Colorado Agricultural Aviation Association is to serve its membership in legislative concerns, education of pertinent issues, and to promote technical programs to enhance the betterment of Agricultural Aviation and its related activities.
Cindy Fulton, Wyoming Department of Agriculture
I am a supervisor with the Wyoming Department of Agriculture Technical Services Division, and lead the pesticide program. I serve on this planning committee as a board representative of the Association of Structural Pest Control Regulatory Officials.
Alma Galvan, Migrant Clinicians Network
I am a Senior Program Manager with Migrant Clinicians Network. I have been working for a long time on a wide range of public and environmental health issues including pesticides, environmental and occupational health, cultural competency, and water and sanitation concerns impacting the health of vulnerable populations including migrants and indigenous communities along the US/Mexico border. I look forward to collaborating with all of you.
Ann Hazelrigg, University of Vermont
I am the PSEP coordinator for University of Vermont and am excited to plan the Denver meeting! I am also the IPM coordinator and have just returned from Nepal working with farmers on clubroot and was able to slip in much needed pesticide safety info.
Jolene Hendrix, University of Minnesota
I begin my new position as the Pesticide Safety and Environmental Program Manager with the University of Minnesota Extension on February 10. My previous position was as the Pesticide Training and Development Specialist for the Montana Department of Agriculture. I have an extensive and diverse background working in environmental and education programs for the past 25 years, pesticides being the most recent 7 years. I have served on several national Boards as well as some local ones. I look forward to working with everyone to develop a meaningful and productive PACT 2020 meeting!
Dean Herzfeld, National Pesticide Safety Education Center
I am a collaboration team and education facilitator with the National Pesticide Safety Education Center. Before joining NPSEC last year I was Coordinator of the University of Minnesota Extension Pesticide Safety and Environmental Education program for more than 30 years. I’m a past president, Fellow and charter member of the American Association of Pesticide Safety Educators and work in the areas of personal protective equipment, IPM, invasive species, and educational program design and accountability.
Blake Huff, EPA Region 8
I am a program manager and project officer for the EPA Region 8 Pesticides Team where I focus on tribal FIFRA grants in addition to working with states and universities on WPS and C&T. Prior to joining the pesticides team in 2017, I served as a program manager in the EPA Region 8 Tribal Assistance Program. In that role I worked with tribes to build environmental programs focused on water, air and capacity building.
Chrissy Kaminski, Ohio State University
I’m a program manager for Ohio State University PSEP. I work mostly with Ohio’s commercial applicators – I plan recertification conferences, help teach new applicator courses, and write and edit manuals.
Anne Katten, California Rural Legal Assistance Foundation
I am the Pesticide and Work Safety Specialist with California Rural Legal Assistance Foundation. I’m an industrial hygienist and my work includes analysis of pesticide illness episode investigations and advocating for improved enforcement and policy changes to reduce farmworkers exposure to pesticides and other work hazards. Earlier in my career I worked as a research assistant at a seed company.
Kevin LeMasters, EnviroPest
I have been in the pest management industry for 28 years. Managing and leading teams from the local to corporate level here in the United States. Currently, I serve as chair of the Public Policy committee for the Colorado Pest Control Association and on their board as well representing the industry. I’m involved at a national level as well in regards to training and legislative affairs. I am the President at EnviroPest, a local business that provides pest and wildlife services to the Northern Front Range of Colorado.
Amy Liebman, Migrant Clinicians Network
I serve as the Director for Environmental and Occupational Health for the Migrant Clinicians Network. For the past 20 years I have worked on pesticide related initiatives to improve the health and safety of farmworkers and their families. I look forward to working with all of you!
Bob Mann, National Association of Landscape Professionals
I’m with the National Association of Landscape Professionals where I handle state & local government relations. Prior to joining NALP, I was a 30+ year veteran of the professional lawn care industry. I was a certified pesticide applicator in Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut and New York. I still retain my Mass. credential as well as serving on MDAR’s Pesticide Advisory Council. Looking forward to working with all of you!
Tony Marin, Florida State University
I’m a Research Coordinator in the Department of Family and Child Services in Florida State University. I’ve been doing research with farm workers for 20 years.
Kerry Richards, National Pesticide Safety Education Center
As NPSEC’s Educational Program Developer, I am responsible for working with PSEP programs to identify existing educational resources and tools, in addition to developing new tools to meet the needs of Pesticide Safety Education Program (PSEP) coordinators. Another key responsibility is to work cooperatively with PSEP’s to identify and facilitate opportunities to generate revenue to improve the sustainability of their programs. Additionally, as the Delaware PSEP Coordinator I’m involved in helping the University of Delaware to reestablish their PSEP as a PSEP IMI Goal 1 State
Michael Rigirozzi, Colorado Department of Agriculture
I have recently been promoted to the Certification and Training Program Manager for the Colorado Dept. of Ag. For the last 8 years I was working in the Pesticide Enforcement Section. For the past six years and currently I am the WPS Staff Authority and have extensive knowledge promoting WPS in both the conventional agriculture and the cannabis sectors. I plan on bringing insight into this new arena for attendees and look forward to providing help with planning around Denver.
Mimi Rose, Ohio State University
I’ve been director of the Ohio Pesticide Safety Education Program since August 2013. I previously worked in industry as a nursery manager and later as a research scientist in landscape horticulture. I was also a state specialist at Ohio State in landscape/nursery.
Lori Schafer, University of Wyoming
I am the Senior Project Coordinator for the University of Wyoming PSEP and I look forward to working with all of you!
Carolyn Sheridan, Ag Health and Safety Alliance
I am the Founder/President of Ag Health and Safety Allianceand our organization works with the next generation of Agriculture. We deliver our Gear Up for Ag program to high school and college students which focuses on health and safety in agriculture. I am also a registered nurse and I have spent the majority of my career working in Ag Health and Safety. Much of my work has been in respiratory protection and providing education to other health care professionals on agriculture health and safety. I look forward to working with this group!
Sonja Thomas, Auburn University
I am the Pesticide Safety Coordinator and Extension Specialist for Auburn University/Alabama Cooperative Extension System and AAPSE Treasurer. I am excited to work with you all and I look forward to assisting with the planning of PACT 2020.
Thia Walker, Colorado State University
I assumed the role of the Colorado State University Extension Specialist for Pesticide Safety Education in 2010. I work with the Colorado Department of Ag Pesticide Program on the Pesticide Applicator Certification Program by developing certification manuals and exams. I also provided WPS material development as well as training workers and handlers. I am currently a member of AAPSE, on the board of NPSEC, a S.A.F.E. Analyst and a Colorado licensed Commercial Pesticide Applicator.
Nancy Westcott, GoatThroat Pumps
I am the CTO (Chief Technology Officer) at GoatThroat Pumps. As a member of the US delegation to ISO (International Standards Organization) for standards for agricultural equipment, I am a member of the US Technical Advisory Group developing ISO standards for Closed Mixing Systems and Drones. Professional affiliations include ASABE (American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers), American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Institute for Sustainability, and AAPSE (American Association of Pesticide Safety Educators).
Dan Wixted, Cornell University
Since 2002, I have been an Extension Support Specialist with Cornell’s Pesticide Management Education Program after having spent 11 years in a similar capacity with Wisconsin’s program. I develop pesticide applicator certification training manuals and exams and have co-presented at regional and national workshops on manual and exam development. I have served as AAPSE treasurer, on the JPSE editorial board, and on the Certification and Training Assessment Group (CTAG).
This project has been funded wholly or in part by the United States Environmental Protection Agency under assistance agreement X8-83927401 to Michigan State University.
Migrant Clinicians Network (MCN) and the National Pesticide Safety Education Center (NPSEC) are sub awardees on the grant