The goal of the PACT meeting is to provide State Lead Agencies (SLAs) and Pesticide Safety Education Program (PSEP) staff and other stakeholders with the most up-to-date regulatory information to support implementation and compliance assistance. It is anticipated that the information presented and networking opportunities during PACT meetings will result in improved implementation of Certification of Pesticide Applicators Rule (40CFR171) and the Agricultural Worker Protection Standard Revision (40 CFR170) by state and tribal pesticide programs. In addition, sessions will be designed to bring non-traditional and traditional stakeholders together in order to understand the roles that each stakeholder holds in pesticide safety, discuss WPS and C&T rule challenges from differing perspectives and engage in dialogue to find common ground and solutions. Agenda sessions will include time dedicated to PACT-related work groups (Focused Discussions) which will facilitate the continued exchange of information and establish more coordinated efforts to meet the desired goals in the months following the PACT meeting.
Click to save or print a PDF copy of the PACT 2021 Agenda.
PACT Virtual Connection Links
Click to save or print a PDF copy of the PACT 2021 Virtual Connection Links.