News Release on updated USDA IPM Roadmap to guide adoption of IPM

The original press release comes from the USDA. You can find a copy of that full release and contact information here

Key Section from Page 3 of Attachment:


A primary goal of the National IPM Road Map is to increase adoption and efficiency of effective, economical and safe pest management practices through information exchange and coordination among federal and non-federal researchers, educators, technology innovators and IPM practitioners, including pesticide applicators and other service providers. Pesticide safety education that teaches pesticide applicators sound safety and stewardship practices in the safe and efficacious use of pesticides is an important component of IPM programming across focus areas.

Production Agriculture

The priority in this focus area is the development and delivery of diverse and effective pest management strategies and technologies that fortify our nation’s food security and are economical to deploy, while also protecting public health, agricultural workers and the environment.

IPM experts, educators, practitioners and stakeholders expect pest management innovations will continue to evolve for food, fiber and ornamental crop production systems that improve their efficiency and effectiveness. IPM practices that prevent, avoid or mitigate pest damage have reduced negative impacts of agricultural production and associated environments by minimizing impairments to wildlife, water, air quality and other natural resources. Fruits, vegetables and other specialty crops make up a major portion of the human diet and require high labor input for production. Agricultural IPM programs help maintain high-quality agricultural food and fiber products, and coupled with pesticide safety and stewardship practices, help protect agricultural workers, consumers and the environment by keeping pesticide exposures within acceptable safety standards. Agricultural IPM programs also extend to and consider pest management in areas beyond production field borders, to places that can harbor or serve as a source of agricultural pests such as adjacent roadsides, rights-ofway, ditches, irrigation canals, storage and processing areas, compost and mulch piles and gravel pits.

Natural Resources

Our nation’s forests, parks, wildlife refuges, military landscapes and other natural areas, as well as our public land and water resources, are under constant pressure from endemic pests and aggressive invasive species. Invasive pests diminish habitat quality by out-competing native species for resources, reducing biological diversity, richness and abundance; impairing grazing lands for livestock and foraging habitats for wildlife; and degrading or impairing many other uses of public lands, waters and natural areas. Americans value, and spend large amounts of time, in natural and recreational environments like lakes, streams, parks and other open spaces. Protecting the ecosystem functions, aesthetic standards and values of natural resources and recreational environments is as important as protecting public health and safety. IPM practices help minimize the adverse environmental effects of pest species on our natural areas. As we move into the future, commonly used and accepted metrics are needed to quantify the impact of IPM programs and practices in these environments.

Residential, Structural and Public Areas

For the general public, the greatest exposure to pests and control tactics occurs where people live, work, learn and recreate. IPM programs for schools and public buildings are excellent examples of successful education and implementation programs designed for institutional facilities. Priorities in this area include enhanced collaboration and coordination to expand these programs to other public institutions and infrastructure. Residential and commercial environments require different tools and educational materials than schools, and multifamily public housing structures present particular challenges, including addressing pest issues for people who are unable or unauthorized to manage pests themselves. Expanding IPM programs in these areas would reduce human health risks posed by pests and mitigate the adverse environmental effects of potentially harmful pest management practices. Preventing and controlling bed bug and cockroach infestations in multifamily and public housing and other built environments is a high priority.

Original Release

WASHINGTON, October 24, 2018 – The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced today the first update since 2013 of the National Road Map for Integrated Pest Management (IPM).

The update culminates a yearlong review by the Federal Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Coordinating Committee (FIPMCC), a joint effort that is coordinated by the Office of Pest Management Policy in the Office of USDA’s Chief Economist with representatives of all federal agencies with responsibilities in IPM research, implementation, or education programs. These agencies include Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Department of the Interior (DOI), and Department of Defense (DoD).

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a science-based, sustainable decision-making process that uses information on pest biology, environmental data, and technology to manage pest damage in a way that minimizes both economic costs and risks to people, property, and the environment.

The National Road Map for Integrated Pest Management (IPM), first introduced in 2004, is periodically updated to reflect the evolving science, practice, and nature of IPM. The Road Map provides guidance to the IPM community on the adoption of effective, economical, and safe IPM practices, and on the development of new practices where needed. The guidance defines, prioritizes, and articulates pest management challenges across many landscapes, including: agriculture, forests, parks, wildlife refuges, military bases, as well as in residential, and public areas, such as public housing and schools. The Road Map also helps to identify priorities for IPM research, technology, education and implementation through information exchange and coordination among federal and non-federal researchers, educators, technology innovators, and IPM practitioners.

About OCE Office of Pest Management Policy

The USDA’s Office of Pest Management Policy (OPMP) is responsible for the development and coordination of Department policy on pest management and pesticides. It coordinates activities and services of the Department, including research, extension, and education activities, coordinates interagency activities, and consults with agricultural producers that may be affected by USDA-related pest management or pesticide-related activities or actions. OPMP also works with EPA on pesticide and water pollution issues and represents USDA at national and international scientific and policy conferences.